In denominating this section "America's Dumbest Cops", the editors do not intend to imply that the specific officers cited in the following articles have been stastically proven to be America's dumbest cops. The title is merely an expression of the editors' opinions, and is not an expression of fact. The reader is encouraged to draw his or her own conclusions based on the information presented.

  1. Police invade home without warrant, shoot family pet while children sleep
    "Family members said the issue goes beyond the shooting of their pet. Several others were sleeping in the house, including the Diefenbachers' other daughter, Tailor Rice, 6, and Mr. Mikesell's pregnant wife and three children. 'I can't believe someone could discharge a gun in someone's living room. They don't know how many lives they put in jeopardy firing that gun.'" ***

    "The Diefenbachers want to know why the deputy didn't double check their address before he entered their home. The number is clearly visible next to the door. They also want to know why the deputy shot Bruto, rather than exit the house."
    The Cincinnati Enquirer, 1-17-2000, Thanks to KG in Ohio

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